A Plus Learning Centre

How do I help in developing my child’s understanding of key topics?
How do I improve my child’s results in important tests?
Which school will be best for improving my child’s learning and development?

At A Plus Learning Centre, we will provide answers to these frequently asked questions from parents. Together, with a team of university teachers and James Ruse graduates, we will devise a learning course that targets your child’s needs, allowing them to obtain maximum marks. With one to one, small group (2-7), and classes (8-15), our centre builds strong foundations which ensures the highest results for our students.

Nancy Huang

OC and Selective

Trial test

year 4 OC trial

Mock trial tests allow students to refine and master the knowledge and skills they have learnt at our centre. Through these tests, students are able to experience a wide range of questions and become highly efficient in scoring top marks. These mock trial tests help students succeed in the Opportunity Class placement Test.

year 5-6 selective trial

In the form of mock trial tests, students can master knowledge and skills in high efficiency, accumulate experience for the new exam style questions, and succeed in the Selective Schools Placement Test.

Why Choose us

We prioritize students needs


Not only does APLC focus on providing our students with the knowledge, but we also equip them with the most important tool: experience. By continuous practice and experience, students can master the knowledge they have learned in class and successfully apply it to exam questions. This ensures that every student is well prepared for success in exams.


While many gifted students can work out difficult questions in a class environment, they may struggle to perform as well under exam conditions. At APLC, we train students to be able to work accurately and efficiently under pressure, allowing them to be 100% prepared for both the OC and Selective Test.


At APLC, we focus on ensuring that our students are equipped with the particular skills and knowledge sets that are key to performing well in the OC and Selective Test. We also interact and closely monitor each student to identify their strengths and weaknesses, ensuring that each student reaches their maximum potential.


What our students Say?

My experience has been truly wondrous; the environment is friendly, the content is brilliant and the teachers are clearly well experienced and know what they’re doing. I have been able to apply the knowledge and understanding I have learnt to all aspects of my education. This has improved my performance at school tremendously and I am now able to master previously challenging areas of English and Maths. I have no regrets about being a student at A+ Learning Centre.
S. Zhou
Having APLC by my side when doing the Selective Test was very reassuring because they provided me with the best tips on how to succeed. Every week, they would teach us new skills and revise past topics so that I was fully prepared. Getting into James Ruse is one of my proudest achievements and I would like to thank APLC for devoting their time and effort to helping me along the way.
C. Wong
The teachers at A Plus Learning Centre are very responsible, every time I go there I always go back home with some new knowledge. The teachers give me many ways to solve each question. I hope I can learn more at A Plus. The teachers at A Plus Learning Centre are very responsible and invested in improving my education. They teach multiple ways to solve each question and provide tips on how to perform under exam pressure. I hope I can gain more knowledge and skills at A Plus.
A. Tian

our students made it to